Sunday, February 3, 2008

I hate stadium naming rights

Does it bother anyone else that the Arizona Cardinals stadium - site of this year's Super Bowl - is University of Phoenix Stadium? No, they don't share it with a college named University of Phoenix - the naming rights sponsor is University of Phoenix - that online university! That is dumb. I am opposed in general to naming rights - Candlestick should have stayed Candlestick, Comiskey Comiskey, etc. - but this is the worst. It is an amorphous distance learning institution and it makes it sound like the stadium belongs to a real school! It is like renaming the new Yankee Stadium Chicago Bears Stadium - after some Chicago zoo exhibit!

In other news, can you believe that Super Bowl? Or at least that 4th quarter? I wonder if this is karmic retribution for all of that Spygate jazz. Either way, I missed history being made in the way of a perfect season, but at least got to see a huge upset.


Andy said...

I agree completely about the stadium naming rights. The only benefit is that the naming company forks over a few millions that the rest of us would have to pay via higher taxes or higher ticket prices. Still, I prefer Tiger Stadium to Comerica Park, etc.

Also, there's no continuity with these naming rights. A stadium name is now just an item with a price and it can be bought and sold. Quicken Loans Arena? Give me a break.

And one last thing on the University of Phoenix. They're trying to drop the 'online' from their name. They used to be the University of Phoenix Online and now it's sort of going away. Eventually they will be just U of P. Do they have a mascot?

Amber said...

What about Pepsi Center in Denver, or the Sprint Center here in good ole KC? I like Pepsi, and I sort of like Sprint (well only because they let me talk on my phone for a just a small fee). Ya know, instead of griping about random "centers" and "stadiums" we should be focusing our attention on one of the great travesties of our time....THE MINIATURE VAN! I mean " mini" vans, as they are so called by their admirers, are not only homely, but are constantly in the way of normal cars and are almost inevitably being driven by slow minded and slow reacting drivers! Sure, the University of Phoenix might not be a real "university," but the miniature van is quite possibly the most annoying inanimate object on the face of this planet, and it's presence should not go unoticed!
ps. I love you :)